Adidas Deerupt Runner

This was an Adidas spec ad for the “deerupt runner” series that I shot and edited. My setup was on a table with a matte black board. Tying a string to a c-stand and angling the arm over the center of the table, I then taped the string to the tongue and adjusted the stand height until I got the shoe at the angle I wanted shown in the final image.

adidas shoe spatter.jpg

Photograph # 1

With this first shot, I brought the image in to Photoshop to mask out the string and cool down the image to get rid of the orange-yellow tint on the heel. I did this by applying a hue/saturation filter and dropping it to zero on an inverted mask to brush in the de-saturation on the heel. I then had to go in close with the spot healing brush and get rid of small details such as frayed stitching and light dust particles on the black, mesh material. After that I went in to Adobe Illustrator.


Adding Graphics

I wanted this Adidas ad to stand out and have a more unique look and feel besides a single picture. To establish this feel I went in to Adobe Illustrator to create the honeycomb striped design that sits behind the shoe. To achieve this look I masked the .png honeycomb file out behind the final image in Photoshop to make it appear as if it was behind the shoe. Then, inside Photoshop I used a special scatter-brush and several layers of masking to create the pixel explosion effect for the final product.